NOTE: Before you get too far into this one, I want to mention that I realized I wasn't following convention in my Elixir file names, so there's a commit at the beginning of this post's branch that fixes it (and it's been merged to master as the others have as well). Just a heads-up in case it seems weird all of a sudden. :-)
Last time we made our TimestampWriter GenServer a supervised process to make it more resilient to bad inputs and other process-killing events. Now it's time to protect our GenServer from a much more sneaky and persistent assailant - us! This seems like a good time to get familiar with ExUnit and build our first test case for StatsYard.
Defining ExUnit test cases is pretty similar to defining any other module in our Elixir project. If you pop into the stats_yard/test directory and take a look at stats_yard_test.exs, you'll see a simple example test:
- Line 1: As mentioned above, a test case is simply an Elixir module
- Line 2: Pull in ExUnit's test case bits
- Line 3: This line will cause ExUnit to do some magic that we'll discuss at a later date
- Line 5: Defines a unit test with an arbitrary string label
- Line 6: Makes the bold assertion that 1 + 1 does in fact equal 2
- assert is basically just shorthand (or more accurately, a macro) that says "everything after the keyword 'assert' better be true, otherwise I'm gonna blow up and fail spectacularly". (There's a bit more to it, and we'll tackle that next.)
To see assert do its thing in a less-than-true situation, we can just change the 2 to a 3 on Line 6 and run mix test:
There's some interesting stuff in that output block. First it tells us which test failed ("the truth"), what file that test lives in (test/stats_yard_test.ex), and the line number that the test definition starts on (:5). After that, it tells us the general type of 'thing' we were trying to do (assert with ==) and shows us the specific assertion that failed.
Next up are two interesting and very helpful lines: lhs and rhs. These acronyms stand for "left-hand side" and "right-hand side" respectively, and these lines actually give us some insight into the way the test actually works under the hood. If you haven't encountered them before, lhs and rhs are hyper-relevant to one of Elixir's most powerful features: pattern matching!
These two lines are telling us that ExUnit took our assert expression and made an attempted pattern match expression out of it, with the actual evaluated value on the left-hand side of the match, and the asserted value on the right-hand side, like so:
So that's all fine and dandy, but we really should work on testing our TimestampWriter. Go ahead and switch that pesky 3 back to a 2, and we'll get started!
First let's create a directory that will hold our tests - it's cleaner, and seems to be the convention used in most projects. Then we'll create a file in there to hold our first real test case (note that test files have to be named "<stuff>_test.exs, otherwise the mix test task will skip them):
As it turns out, we tested our public API function, write_timestamp/2, not so much our GenServer. Our function is simply calling GenServer.cast/2 which then asynchronously sends a message to our TimestampWriter process. That send is indeed successful and returns the :ok atom - even though our process dies shortly thereafter - and that's exactly how GenServer.cast/2 is intended to operate.
So how do we fix that? Well to be entirely honest, I don't know yet. BUT! There is a silver lining - this experience has made me re-think whether or not this particular activity is best handled as a cast or a call, which basically boils down to "should it be asynchronous with no response, or synchronous with a response?" Given the intended purpose of this particular function, I think a call is more appropriate: we're going to need some manner of acknowledgement that our data has indeed been written to disk before moving on to whatever our next task might be.
So! Back to our TimestampWriter code:
- Line 9: Switch from GenServer.cast/3 to
- Line 24: Switch from GenServer.cast/3 to and add an (unused) argument, _from, for the sender's PID (we don't particularly need this right now, hence the underscore to keep the compiler happy)
- Line 25: Bind the result of our file write operation to result
- Line 26: Use the appropriate response from a call, which is to return the :reply atom, a result of some sort and the new state of the GenServer
Notice a cool thing here, too: our interface to the GenServer didn't change at all, so we don't need to update our test! We should be able to run mix test and see our test fail appropriately:
(Note: There will still be some extra output after this as a result of our GenServer tanking on bad inputs. We'll try to fix that another time.)
Perfect! Now if we stop passing a known-bad argument to our public function in the test, we should get a nice passing test:
As a final cleanup step (for now), I'm going to remove the simple truth test from the out-of-the-box test file that mix creates, because I don't really care for the clutter.
We left a bit of an unpleasant side effect in place with our test. Hint: our timestamp writer spits out a timestamp somewhere. Figure out where it's landing, then peruse the ExUnit docs and see if you can figure out how to make that stop happening. No need for that clutter! The next blog post will cover how to fix this.
Next Time
We're not quite doing TDD, but hey, it's a start! Next time 'round we'll clean all of this up a bit more (as mentioned in the Experiment above) with some typespecs and docs. Exciting stuff, eh? At the end of the day, it's worlds easier to do these things up front, rather than trying to retrofit them later - plus we can make use of them for some testing convenience (or at least that's the hope!)
For now, you can peruse the source for this post at:
For now, you can peruse the source for this post at:
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